EthioSIS Data

General Information of the Dataset
Owner MoA-ATI
Sampling Date 2012-2017
Data Type CSV
Point of Contact
Language English
Spatial Extent Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Soil Information System (EthioSIS) is a landmark project initiated by the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) and the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia. Since its inception in 2012, the project has collected and analyzed soil samples across the country to develop Woreda-based (district-level) soil fertility maps, which address soil spatial variability and provide site-specific fertilizer recommendations based on the results of soil lab analysis.

The dataset includes about 70,000 records of Ethiopian soil properties collected during the project. Users interested in the data can sign up and request access to the harmonized data.

Contents of the Dataset
Variable Property WetChem_Procedure Spectral_Procedure Unit
Sample_ID Sample Unique Identifier NaN NaN NaN
na Sodium (Na) - extractable Sodium extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Sodium extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
k Potassium (K) - extractable Potassium extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Potassium extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
ca Calcium (Ca++) - extractable Calcium extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Calcium extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
mg Magnesium (Mg) - extractable Magnesium extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Magnesium extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
mn Manganese (Mn) - extractable Managnese extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Managnese extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
cu Copper (Cu) - extractable Cupper extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Cupper extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
zn Zinc (Zn) - extractable Zinc extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Zinc extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
p Phosphorus (P) - extractable Phosphorus extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Phosphorus extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
s Sulfur (S) - extractable Sulfur extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Sulfur extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
b Boron (B) - extractable Boron extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Boron extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
fe Iron (Fe) - extractable Iron extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Iron extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
al_01 Aluminium property Aluminium extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Aluminium extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
al_02 Aluminium (Al+++) - exchangeable Aluminium extractable with 1MKCl, volumetric Spectral derived as Aluminium extractable with 1MKCl, volumetric mg kg-2
si Silica Silica extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Silica extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
co Cobalt Cobalt extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Cobalt extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
mo Molybdenium Molybdenium extractable with the Mehlich III method Spectral derived as Molybdenium extractable with the Mehlich III method mg kg-1
ph pH - Hydrogen potential pH(H2O) measured in 2:1 solution to soil ratio Spectral derived as pH(H2O) measured in 2:1 solution to soil ratio pH units
ec Electrical conductivity property Electric conductivity measured in 2:1 solution to soil ratio Spectral derived as Electric conductivity measured in 2:1 solution to soil ratio dS m-1
hp Acidity - exchangeable ExchAcid_ph0-kcl1m Spectral derived as Exchangeable Acidity cmolc kg-1
c_01 Carbon (C) - organic_01 Carbon determined by dry combustion with CN analyser Spectral derived as determined by dry combustion with CN analyser weight %
c_02 Carbon (C) - organic_02 Carbon determined by Walkely-Black(Nelson-Sommers) Dicchromate-Sulphuric acid oxidation Spectral derived as Carbon determined by Walkely-Black(Nelson-Sommers) Dicchromate-Sulphuric acid oxidation weight %
n_01 Nitrogen (N) - total_01 Nitrogen determined by dry combustion with CN analyser Spectral derived as Nitrogen determined by dry combustion with CN analyser weight %
n_02 Nitrogen (N) - total_02 Nitrogen determined by Kieldahl acid digestion Spectral derived as Nitrogen determined by Kieldahl acid digestion weight %
cec Cation Exchange Capacity Cation Exchange Capacity – Determined by leaching with 1 M ammonium acetate followed by 10% potassium chloride Spectral derived as Cation Exchange Capacity – Determined by leaching with 1 M ammonium acetate followed by 10% potassium chloride cmolc kg-1
caco3 Calcium carbonate Dissolution of carbonates by Hydrochloric acid [HCl]; no external (no dry combustion); calcimeter Spectral derived as Dissolution of carbonates by Hydrochloric acid [HCl]; no external (no dry combustion); calcimeter weight %

Spectrometer Definition

Bruker®-TENSOR 27 mid infra-red (MIR) spectrometer with the HTS-XT accessory at NSTC and World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) in Nairobi. The spectra were captured using diffuse reflectance mode with 32 scans and spectral range of 7400 – 600 cm-1 (wave numbers) including part of NIR region and the MIR region spectra. The wave number range of 4000 – 600 cm-1 (2500 – 16667 ηm) were used for further analyses to predict soil chemical properties. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) models were created with different set of soil to predict different nutrient concentrations and soil properties. The PLSR model performed better in predicting C with R2 = 0.91; Si with R2 = 0.91; N with R2 =0.87 and pH with R2 = 0.52; the model performed poor in predicting P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, S, Cu, B,Zn, Na, Fe, Al, Co, Mo and EC contents