EthioSIS Data

General Information of the Dataset
Owner MoA-ATI
Publication Date 2015-2019
Data Type CSV
Point of Contact
Language English
Spatial Extent Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Soil Information System (EthioSIS) project is a comprehensive soil assessment initiative that has covered 748 woredas and 62 confluence points, and gathered hundreds of thousands of soil samples from the entire country to develop 22 different soil property maps and fertilizer recommendations for each region

The dataset contains 70,000+ records of the Ethiopian soil property data collected under EthioSIS Project. Interested users can register and request data.

Contents of the Dataset
Name Label
sample_id Sample ID
Lat Latitude
Lon Longitude
Woreda Woreda Name
pH Soil pH
P Available Phosphorous (mg/kg)
HP Exchangeable Acidity (Cmol(+)/kg soil)
K Exchangeable Potassium(mg/kg)
Ca Exchangeable Calcium(mg/kg)
Mg Exchangeable Magnessium(mg/kg)
Mn Manganese(mg/kg)
S Available Sulfur(mg/kg)
Cu Extractable Copper(mg/kg)
Name Label
B Extractable Boron(mg/kg)
Zn Extractable Zinc(mg/kg)
Na Exchangeable Sodium(mg/kg)
C Organic Carbon(%)
N Total Nitrogen(%)
Fe Extractable Iron(mg/kg)
Al Exchangeable Aluminium(mg/kg)
Si Extractable Silcon(mg/kg)
Co Extractable Cobalt(mg/kg)
Mo Extractable Molybdenum(mg/kg)
EC Electrical Coductivity(μS/cm)
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity(Cmolc/kg)