Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is the executive arm of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia having a mandate of guiding, implementing, coordinating, and overseeing developments pertinent to agriculture. Ensuring sustainable management and wise-use of the soil resources is one of its strategic issues for building climate-resilient green economy and increasing productivity and production of the agriculture sector. Soil Resource Development Lead Executive Office (SRD-LEO) has been established under the Natural Resource Development Sector to enhance capacities of actors and promote improved soil management technologies and good practices through innovative, customized, site-specific and evidence-based interventions. For achieving its mission, SRD-LEO has two responsible divisions (Desks) namely:

  1. Soil Survey and Mapping Desk, and
  2. Soil Health and Fertility Improvement Desk.

Our Vision and Mission


  • To see healthy and fertile soil resources for building climate resilient productive agriculture.


  • Exploring potentials and constraints of Ethiopian soil resources, generating site specific digital soil information and geospatial solutions to availing for users;
  • Building capacities of actors at different levels; and promoting improved soil health and fertility technologies and good practices for sustainable soil management towards assuring food and nutrition security.

Purpose of NSIS

Lack of detailed and up-to-date soil information and access to available soil information are key systemic bottlenecks that inhibit agricultural productivity in Ethiopia. To address these and related challenges, an integrated national soil information is crucially required.

National Soil Information System (NSIS) is an end-to-end web-based platform which aims to realize integrated, dynamic and interactive soil information system for generating, storing, managing, exploring, retrieving, updating, analyzing and sharing soil and related landscape information gathered from various sources. NSIS strives towards development of content and spatially complete digital soil information to improve digital agriculture and land management solutions in Ethiopia as well as to avoid duplication of efforts and wastage of our limited resources.

NSIS Data Governance

Access to the data and data-sharing principles governed by the MoA national soil and agronomy data- sharing management, use and sharing directive registered by the Ministry of Justice.


Design and development of NSIS has been technically and financially supported by different organizations and development partners.